Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women

No matter which chapter of your life you’re in, you need female sex hormones (both estrogen and testosterone) to thrive.

Experience concierge hormone replacement therapy customized for women. You, your health, and your happiest life yet.

Common Symptoms in Women

Weight Gain
Vaginal Dryness
Decreased Libido
Loss of Muscle Tone

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

  • Reduces the rate of aging
  • Revitalizes skin appearance and collagen production
  • Restores youthful body composition
  • Restores sexual desire and vaginal moisture
  • Increases bone density
  • Clears brain fog
  • Returns zest for life

Get Started With Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

At TRTMD, we know that you want to feel like yourself again. Whether you’re going through menopause, recovering after delivery, or navigating life in your 20s and 30s, hormone replacement therapy may be able to help you overcome some of the challenges you’re experiencing. Here’s how it works:

Step 1

Speak with our health consultant to answer questions, discuss symptoms and get sent for bloodwork.

Step 2

Meet with our physician for 60 mins to review your comprehensive blood panel results, create treatment plan that meets your health needs and treatment goals.

Step 3

Start your treatment plan immediately. Our team members will teach you how to administer therapy. As long as you’re on therapy, you’ll have regular, in-person appointments with medical staff to optimize your treatment.

Real Client Results

Sandra was suffering from low sex drive and lack of energy; her weight loss had hit a plateau and she wanted to find a solution once and for all.

Sandra, TRT MD client

Real Client Results

“I felt overwhelmed, defeated, and exhausted. Intimacy with my husband felt like a chore, my sleep was awful, and I was reliant on antidepressant medication and caffeine all day long.”

Lauren, TRT MD client

Frequently Asked Questions

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) involves the use of hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, to treat symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women, including menopause.

Benefits of HRT include relief from menopausal symptoms, improved mood, enhanced libido, better sleep, and overall improved well-being.

Women experiencing symptoms of menopause or hormonal imbalance, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and low libido, may be candidates for HRT. A thorough medical evaluation at TRT MD in Maryland is necessary.

HRT can be administered through pills, patches, gels, creams, or pellets. Your physician at TRT MD in Maryland will determine the best method for you.

Signs of hormonal imbalance include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, and decreased sex drive.

Potential risks of HRT can include blood clots, stroke, and breast cancer. Regular monitoring at TRT MD in Maryland helps manage these risks and ensure safe treatment.

Some women may start to notice improvements in symptoms within a few weeks of starting HRT, while others may take longer to see significant changes.

Yes, HRT has been shown to improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and enhance overall mental well-being in women with hormonal imbalances.

When administered and monitored by healthcare professionals at TRT MD in Maryland, HRT is generally safe. Regular follow-ups and blood tests are conducted to ensure the treatment is effective and safe.

Estrogen therapy involves using estrogen alone, typically for women who have had a hysterectomy. Combined HRT uses both estrogen and progesterone, usually for women who still have their uterus.

Yes, HRT can improve libido, reduce vaginal dryness, and enhance overall sexual function in women experiencing hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal imbalance is diagnosed through a combination of symptom assessment and blood tests measuring hormone levels at our Maryland clinic.

Some women may benefit from lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and alternative therapies. However, HRT may be necessary for significant hormonal imbalances.

During your first visit at TRT MD in Maryland, you’ll undergo a comprehensive evaluation, including a medical history review, physical exam, and blood tests to assess your hormone levels.

TRT MD in Maryland offers expert care, personalized treatment plans, and a holistic approach to health. Our experienced team provides comprehensive support to help you achieve optimal health and vitality.